AquaBio News

AquaBio related news & info.

1 05, 2008

The County of Los Angeles is Going “Blue”

By |2017-03-01T15:20:32-08:00May 1st, 2008|AquaBio News|0 Comments

The County of Los Angeles is going “Blue” reducing pollutants in the county’s lakes & reservoirs. AquaBio Watershed Restoration & Lake Management Division, a subsidiary of AquaBio Environmental Technologies, Inc., has just signed a 5 year services agreement

20 12, 2007

What Happens Around Your Lake, Stays In Your Lake

By |2017-03-01T15:21:53-08:00December 20th, 2007|AquaBio News, Bioremediation, Wastewater, Watershed Management, Watershed Restoration|0 Comments

Many of you have noticed that around your neighborhoods you have nicely paved streets and gutters that efficiently and safely remove street runoff after a rain. Some of you may have also noticed that some of it goes directly into the storm drains in your neighborhood.

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