Why Did That Fancy Aerator Make My Lagoon Smell WORSE?
By: Valerie Anne Edwards, President, Alken-Murray Corp. Edited by DeAna Vitela, Director, AquaBio Environmental Technologies, Inc. There are aeration system [...]
By: Valerie Anne Edwards, President, Alken-Murray Corp. Edited by DeAna Vitela, Director, AquaBio Environmental Technologies, Inc. There are aeration system [...]
Many of you have noticed that around your neighborhoods you have nicely paved streets and gutters that efficiently and safely remove street runoff after a rain. Some of you may have also noticed that some of it goes directly into the storm drains in your neighborhood.
The biggest pollution problem in most of our urban city lakes is WATERFOWL. Biologists have analyzed the amount of feces an average duck creates per day & come up with 2.7 ounces per day. If you consider your average Southern California urban city lake, of roughly 3 to 5 acres, you probably have about 600 waterfowl on it during the winter.