Supported Organizations
Over the years we have supported many organizations. We understand that through our support the good work of these organizations is continued and our message of helping nature heal itself is spread.
Water Charity – We Are Water – Site
Although Water Charity is relatively new as an organization, we have been “doing water projects” for well over 40 years. In a short time, we have risen to be one of the prominent global water charities. Here is some information about us.
NALMS – The North American Lake Management Society – Site
The focus of NALMS is on lake management for a wide variety of uses, but to do this it is necessary to address land use and other issues on a watershed level. We get involved in land, streams, wetland and even estuaries in the course of our activities, as lakes are a logical ?endpoint? in systems that incorporate all of these resource types. The focus is lakes, but the medium is water, and it defies governmental boundaries, human ownership, and even physical form. The management target of NALMS is lakes, but this involves activities in all landscape forms.
Belvedere Park Youth Fishing Club – Site
Belvedere Park Youth Fishing Club of East L.A. AquaBio realizes the importance of exposing children to the natural world. We have introduced youths to the wonders of aquatic environments and the importance of preserving our natural resources with responsible methods.